Wisdom Kwati Aims to Transform Karshi into a Thriving Urban Hub

Karshi, a satellite town in Abuja, is set for a significant transformation as Wisdom KwatiSmart City embarks on an ambitious project to develop the area into a modern urbanhub. This initiative promises to enhance the town’s visibility and foster economic growthby attracting investments, creating job opportunities, and improving infrastructure.

The development will focus on revitalizing key areas, including the historic Karshimarket, which has long served as a vital trading center in the region. Wisdom Kwati, theCEO of Wisdom Kwati Smart City, emphasized the importance of this project, stating,“We are committed to creating affordable housing for the middle and low-incomeclasses, addressing the ongoing shortage of such accommodations in the FederalCapital Territory.”

Kwati’s vision aligns closely with the current administration’s efforts to improve housingaccessibility. “Our project is aligned with the current administration’s vision to improveaccess to housing. We are committed to supporting the government’s initiatives throughinnovative real estate solutions that can bridge the gap between demand and supply,”he added

The proposed development aims to create an eco-friendly and self-sustaining mega citythat integrates technology and environmental sustainability. “Our vision with the KarshiSmart City is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem where technology, environmentalsustainability, and quality of life come together seamlessly,” Kwati remarked

In addressing the pressing issue of congestion in central Abuja, Kwati’s plan seeks toencourage residents to relocate to the satellite town. “Abuja’s housing crisis is apressing issue, and we are determined to make a difference. Our project will not onlyoffer affordable homes but also incorporate sustainable building practices that willreduce costs in the long run—making life easier for residents,” he explained

This development initiative coincides with the recent announcement by the FederalCapital Territory (FCT) administration regarding the completion of the Karshi-Apo road.During a site inspection in July 2024, the FCT Minister, Nysom Wike, expressed hiscommitment to the road project, stating, “I am happy that under the currentadministration’s renewed hope agenda, we will do everything possible to see that thearea from Karshi to Apo is completed. I will take this road as a personal project andmake sure that we complete it.”

The Karshi-Apo road is currently designed as a single lane, but its configuration maychange as development progresses, with the FCT administration considering expanding

it to a dual lane. Wike also mentioned a proposed interstate road linking Karshi to Ara in Nassarawa State, contingent on federal government support.

With these developments, Wisdom Kwati Smart City’s initiative marks a pivotal steptoward the revitalization of Karshi and sets the stage for the town’s future growth. Theproposed housing development not only aims to meet the community’s needs but alsoserves as a forerunner to broader urban development plans for the area.

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